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I will do professional wordpress onpage seo

Do you need help to rank your website on the First Page of Google or have just launched a New Website? Don't worry anymore. You are at the proper gig. I would endure the upkeep of all your onpage seo to Top Rank your website for your targeted keywords on Google. Please take benefit of my strategy developed with years of experience! I will optimize your site for higher rankings with an error-free configuration. 

1)   On-Page Optimization features:

WordPress Yoast SEO Plugin installation

Focused keywords Optimization

Optimized Title & Meta Description

Anchor Text

Content Optimization

Images Alt text, title, caption, with proper description

Heading tag optimization (H1, H2, H3)

Internal structured linking

Outbound Linking

URL Optimization

Schema Markup installation and activation 

Social media Meta tags optimization

Final Website analysis and Audit report


2)   Technical SEO Optimization features:

Google Analytics setup

Verification from Google Search Console

XML Sitemaps generation and submission

Robots.txt optimization

Webmaster Tools verification

Search engine friendly URLs

404, Redirection Fix

301 & 302 Redirections

Fix insecure/mix content in WordPress (SSL Certificate-HTTPS)



I will help your website rank better in SERP (Google specifically) by handling all the on-page and technical SEO requirements. If you have any queries, feel free to contact me.



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