Service Details


Professional Android App Developer

Hi. I'm a native Android developer with three years of software development experience. As an Android Developer, I tend to keep myself up to date with significant changes in the Android world. I am always on the lookout for new ways to solve problems and always look for new challenges and opportunities. I take great pride in developing user-friendly, secure, and optimized professional Android apps. I can turn your UX/UI design templates into fully functional Android apps. In my work as an Android developer, I have expertise in a range of languages, architectures, components, and databases, including: *Concepts* • OOP • Data Structures & Algorithm *Languages* • Kotlin • Java • XML • Jetpack *Databases* • SQLite • Firebase • Firestore • Room DB • Realm DB *Architecture* • MVVM • Clean Architecture *CI/CD* • GitHub *Other Components* • Kotlin Coroutines • JetPack Component • Dependency Injection • APIs • Dagger 2 • Hilt

• Volley
• Retrofit • JSON Parsing • Koin • Google Design Patterns • Agile Development • Jira • Slack • Converting Web/IOS apps to Android • Integration of third-party APIs like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Dropbox, and Amazon. • Firebase services (FCM, Analytics, Crashlytics, AdMob, etc.). I am here to support you at any project stage, from idea generation to full-scale implementation. Let's work together to bring your Android app idea to life. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or ideas. I am ready to turn your vision into a reality. Thanks.

As a skilled software engineer with a passion for Android development, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality, innovative Android apps. With over three years of experience using Android Studio, I am well-versed in the latest technologies and best practices for Android development. My expertise includes Kotlin, object-oriented programming, and developing clean, readable code.

I have worked on various projects throughout my career, including quiz apps, messenger apps, music player apps, and more. I am confident in my ability to understand client needs and deliver solutions that exceed expectations quickly.

I am always eager to learn and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in my field. If you are looking for a talented and dedicated Android developer to join your team, I would love the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your project.

Kotlin | OOP | MVVM | Dependency Injection | Room Database | FireBase | Dagger-Hilt | Android Jetpack-Library | REST API | Kotlin Flow | Koin Dependency Injection | XML | Professional UI building | JetPack Compose | Volley | Retrofit | Clean Architecture | Custom UI Building


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